Set Name: | Rebellion's Call |
Card Number: | 17-132S |
Release Date: | TBA |
Rarity: | Starter |
Card Type: | Forward |
Element: | Fire |
Cost: | 5 |
Power: | 9000 |
Job: | Lunarian |
Categories: | IV |
Remove the top 7 cards of your deck from the game:
Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage. You can only use this ability once per turn.
Remove the top 15 cards of your deck from the game:
Choose 1 Forward. Remove it from the game. You can only use this ability once per turn.
Choose 1 Forward. Deal it 7000 damage. You can only use this ability once per turn.
Remove the top 15 cards of your deck from the game:
Choose 1 Forward. Remove it from the game. You can only use this ability once per turn.
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